Rememes of The Memes by 6529

The story

@punk6529's Memes Collection is focused on the fight for the open metaverse and spreading the message to many people and wallets.

Each meme card is CC0 or contains CC0 elements that can be reused—or "rememed"—by anyone.

"Freedom to transact" is paramount. Without it, we can't exercise other rights it might seem like we have.

Freedom to transact got me thinking about how else to visualize that meme, freedoms that depend on it, and different kinds of freedoms. The result is these rememes.


S.M. Perlow

NFT details

Minted on Ethereum

NFT quantity

Limited editions, 50 of each

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The story

The simplest picture or symbol can be worth a thousand words. But which words?

Add a little color with meaning, and a story emerges.


S.M. Perlow

NFT details

Minted on Ethereum

NFT quantity

Limited editions, 5 of each Undertone

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Western Man vs. The Early 2020s

Hashmask names  


The story

After planning Three Lion Minds, I went back to the Hashmasks collection to see if others or other groups of them told a story. The devolution of these three robots did.

Eager Robot is ready for the 2020s, to experience and make his mark on the futuristic decade full of hope and promise. He’s practically jumping off the page.

Then the pandemic begins, people are getting sick, and while front-line medical workers respond heroically, western government leaders abandon existing pandemic response plans in favor of haphazard, short-sighted decrees. The system is broken, and the robot sees it for the first time.

Years into the decade, amidst the continuing pandemic, as well as global economic and energy turmoil, the third robot has gained a clear picture of the world he lives in. But he sees no escape from that world, so with his enlightenment comes madness.


S.M. Perlow

NFT details

Made on Ethereum from NFTs in The Hashmasks collection, owned by S.M. Perlow

NFT quantity

Four unique 1/1 works: light or dark background, each displaying or hiding Hashmask names

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Three Lion Minds

Hashmask names  


The story

On its own, my first Hashmask that I later named Visionary Lion, struck me as the picture of a young, entrepreneurial, forward-thinking man, empowered by the quiet around him. I was thrilled to have a Hashmask that represented that spirit.

Hours later I decided to take another look at Hashmasks for sale, and my second lion—Stifled Lion—screamed at me of noise, and even oppression. How could that Lion accomplish anything? I positioned him next to Visionary Lion and thought the contrast between them told a story that would resonate in today’s world that can be so full of noise.

The next day I noticed Harmonious Lion, which seemed to me a different path one could take—a full path, but full of a positive relationship with one’s surroundings, not an adversarial one. Once I saw the story I could tell with all three lions, I decided I had to make it a reality.


S.M. Perlow

NFT details

Made on Ethereum from NFTs in The Hashmasks collection, owned by S.M. Perlow

NFT quantity

Four unique 1/1 works: light or dark background, each displaying or hiding Hashmask names

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ETHEREUM'S PRODUCING BLOCKS.ALL'S RIGHT WITH THE METAVERSE.0xc724d612279efad8bab4ad6ca61b6f2476936969c4ed04255d327d46216dc479

Ether Hashes


The story

In his 1841 verse drama, Pippa Passes, Robert Browning famously wrote, "God's in His heaven—All's right with the world!"

In the anime series, Neon Genesis Evangelion, that's NERV's motto.

In that vein, and with similar ambiguity, we might say:

"Ethereum’s producing blocks. All’s right with the Metaverse."

NFT details

The NFT image updates on the Ethereum blockchain each block

This website demo updates ~ every minute for 10 updates. Status: updating

For the latest, view on the blockchain or refresh metadata on OpenSea


S.M. Perlow

NFT quantity

Two unique 1/1 works: light or dark background

Additionally, 100 each of two static versions that do not update with block hashes


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100 life paths

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The story

At some point, whether by design or not, a life’s path changes.

From there it could be a wild ride full of zigs and zags, or a more straightforward path.

One might make it to the end of a fulfilled lifetime, or it might all get cut short too soon.


S.M. Perlow

NFT details

A Tezos generative art series

NFT quantity

100 unique works

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